It's 6:00 hours and the MPM is all set up for the first Golden State Rods car show. 10-22-06
Viewed: 694 times.
Wooohooo! I get to play in this very cool kitchen.
Viewed: 735 times.
Viewed: 720 times.
Diane Rivers gets the goodies bags and raffle prizes in place.
Viewed: 677 times.
My mentor Bob, shows me how to open a can of "homemade" chilli.
Viewed: 695 times.
The offical MPM tent is ready to take on all who dare sit under it's battleflag.
Viewed: 699 times.
I will now show you my secert ingredient........BEER!!!!
Viewed: 647 times.
Yes, beer does make eveything taste better!
Viewed: 717 times.
Joe and Kathy our MPM VP's get to the show early.
Viewed: 698 times.